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What we do

INESAP's central objective is to promote non-proliferation and disarmament of all kinds of weapons of mass destruction and relevant delivery systems. In particular the goals are to extend and tighten existing arms control and non-proliferation regimes and to devise and promote the implementation of new approaches.
Further, the network contributes to exploring alternatives to ballistic missile defense and weapons in space. INESAP seeks to accomplish these objectives through a program that combines research, networking and activities aimed at influencing national and international policies.
The work of INESAP includes:

  • developing expert reports and position papers;
  • informing and advising political actors;
  • scientific projects, events, study groups and research projects;
  • publishing the expert opinions of our members;
  • presentations, conferences, teaching, and policy advice;
  • public events, especially in connection with bodies or meetings of the United Nations;
  • networking with persons and organizations with similar goals.

If you want to participate please contact us.
