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UN Secretary-General promotes NWC

On October 24, 2008, the UN Secretary-General addressed an East-West Institute side event held during the UN General Assembly. In his speech The United Nations and Security in a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World, Ban Ki-moon offered a five-point proposal "to revitalize the international disarmament agenda" in which he suggested building on the existing Model Nuclear Weapons Convention:
"First, I urge all NPT [Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons] parties, in particular the nuclear-weapon States, to fulfil their obligation under the Treaty to undertake negotiations on effective measures leading to nuclear disarmament.
They could pursue this goal by agreement on a framework of separate, mutually reinforcing instruments.  Or they could consider negotiating a nuclear-weapons convention, backed by a strong system of verification, as has long been proposed at the United Nations.  Upon the request of Costa Rica and Malaysia, I have circulated to all United Nations Member States a draft of such a convention, which offers a good point of departure."
